Youth & Family

From 0 to 100+ years
Ambulant Care Provider

Youth & Family

Apollis Care provides support to parents and children. The employees of Apollis Care are registered with SKJ (Stichting Kwaliteitsregister Jeugd) and have the knowledge and skills to offer parental support.

Educational Psychologist

Apollis Care collaborates with educational psychologists who specialize in developmental and parenting issues.

Educational psychologists guide challenging children or children with disorders and/or traumas. They coordinate, mediate, and collaborate with caregivers and their formal and informal networks in the best interest of the child.

Apollis Care, in collaboration with educational psychologists, can support families with diverse cultural backgrounds. This collaboration is essential as Apollis Care operates interculturally and can take into account the cultural and/or religious interests of caregivers. The professional from Apollis Care can mediate between the educational psychologist and the family members in their own language, ensuring that the cultural and religious interests of the clients in parenting are respected.

The emphasis is particularly placed on promoting the well-being of children in families, regardless of their background, culture, and the language spoken.

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