Case Management

From 0 to 100+ years
Ambulant Care Provider

Case Management

Apollis Care provides case management to clients where multiple individuals and/or organizations are involved. The Apollis Care team has extensive experience in guiding complex households with multiple issues. The professionals at Apollis Care are also experienced in individually supporting clients facing challenges on multiple life domains.

Case management involves coordinating the care around the client. The case manager, in the best interest of the client in need, can establish contact with various organizations, coordinate efforts, and create a joint plan outlining each party’s responsibilities. The case manager will then monitor the care provided to the client. If the client no longer requires assistance from the involved parties, the case manager will collaboratively evaluate the care provided with the stakeholders and the client.

Apollis Care’s healthcare professionals also utilize Social Network Strategies to tap into the informal networks of clients. A post-care plan is always developed in collaboration with clients and assessors. The post-care plan is created to prevent relapse and empower the client to regain control. Our aim is to enhance the client’s independence and ensure that, with their own strengths (supported by a social network), they can improve the quality of their lives.

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